creativity ideas stimulation research curiosity
"a way to track my activity related to creativity and things that i've found helpful to generate new ideas. waste of time? possibly. talked with students about doing a lot of these things to get them out of the music building and experience life. so, maybe this is a way to track myself and to provide an example to some of my students."
Monday, September 28, 2009
August 22
Ever play a tune or a classical piece and notice that there is a spot in the music that you always feel kind of uncomfortable? During your improvisation you ever feel there are a few measures that you always feel awkward or confined? But, you've been playing this song for months or even years. Why are you still feeling restricted in the same place? Have you avoided isolating that spot and spending days or weeks working that spot out? Technical studies could easily be created and practiced to eliminate the awkwardness. My real question is why do we avoid the problem areas? Even when we are completely aware (and most likely everyone around us knows as well) of the problem area, we continue to avoid it. Why don't we attack that area? That small place in the music seems to take on a power of it's own. Maybe we completely avoid playing the whole piece of music just because of a few measures. How can fear be created like this in our heads?
August 21
Noticing that there is a major distinction between creating ideas and doing the necessary execution to bring the idea into reality.
I'm wondering if there could be a right-brain left-brain connection problem. People that are great creating ideas seem to have trouble sometimes with the step by step methodical execution of the idea/plan. The "grunt" work involved in making the idea into a real thing appears to be boring for some.
There's really nothing creative about sitting in a room [for hours, days, weeks, months, years] and practicing scales/chords and technical studies. That is a very left-brain kind of activity. However, it's quite necessary if one has any hope of being able to do the execution required to bring out that idea that's floating around in the inner ear.
I'm wondering if there could be a right-brain left-brain connection problem. People that are great creating ideas seem to have trouble sometimes with the step by step methodical execution of the idea/plan. The "grunt" work involved in making the idea into a real thing appears to be boring for some.
There's really nothing creative about sitting in a room [for hours, days, weeks, months, years] and practicing scales/chords and technical studies. That is a very left-brain kind of activity. However, it's quite necessary if one has any hope of being able to do the execution required to bring out that idea that's floating around in the inner ear.
August 20
Haven't been spending any time preparing for this blog during the past several weeks.
My idea about writing and/or exploring creativity and improvisation has moved from the blog to a "real life" project. Been involved in the upcoming (Nov. 9-15) Japan Music Week and the Jinnan Jazz Festival.
Actually, I would rather be "living it" rather than writing about it anyway.
My idea about writing and/or exploring creativity and improvisation has moved from the blog to a "real life" project. Been involved in the upcoming (Nov. 9-15) Japan Music Week and the Jinnan Jazz Festival.
Actually, I would rather be "living it" rather than writing about it anyway.
Monday, September 14, 2009
August 19
A follow-up post by Derek on the question of the effectiveness of desperation as a potential plan of attack on the road to success.
Desperation conjures up images of fear for me. Scarcity....
For me, it might cause me to do negative things with my energy. Actually, becoming like a black hole instead of projecting good energy out onto the project.
A follow-up post by Derek on the question of the effectiveness of desperation as a potential plan of attack on the road to success.
Desperation conjures up images of fear for me. Scarcity....
For me, it might cause me to do negative things with my energy. Actually, becoming like a black hole instead of projecting good energy out onto the project.
August 18
In this post, Derek raises an interesting point about setting-up the context
that you operate from on your way to finding success for yourself. I'm not sure (after reading the post) if desperation is the word for Branson's style of forging ahead. I'm more inclined to use the word commitment. His level of commitment to his projects is extraordinary. Playing as if his life depends on it.
In this post, Derek raises an interesting point about setting-up the context
that you operate from on your way to finding success for yourself. I'm not sure (after reading the post) if desperation is the word for Branson's style of forging ahead. I'm more inclined to use the word commitment. His level of commitment to his projects is extraordinary. Playing as if his life depends on it.
August 17
Derek highlights a very important point. I've noticed for years in Japan while in the company of people studying Japanese and/or English. Some seem to really enjoy learning a new language, never really speak about the difficulty and progress rather quickly. Others are always talking about how hard it is to learn the language and how much time it takes. Consequently, they never seem to make much headway.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
August 15
Recently, heard about the trumpet player Florent Brique. Been checking out his band. Here is a nice groove they did at the Vienna Jazz Festival.
Really creative project.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
August 14
My buddy Curtis turned me on to McKenna today. Woke-up, came in and sat dow at the computer and there were the links sitting in front of me in a chat box.
Monday, August 24, 2009
August 13

Am currently involved in "Japan Music Week" and the Jinnan Jazz Festival. Already, the creative juices are starting to flow. Feels good!
Search for Japan Music Week on FACEBOOK for more info.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
August 12
Haven't posted on this blog for 12 days after doing 72 days in a row.
It's called "hitting the wall."
It's called "hitting the wall."
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
August 11
Soda Can Shake Up
Yoga Journal
Three's A Charm
NATO Builds History's 1st Global Army
Horse Flies and Meteors
The Millenium Project
Touchable Holography Newsletter
Accelerating Intelligence
Yoga Journal
Three's A Charm
NATO Builds History's 1st Global Army
Horse Flies and Meteors
The Millenium Project
Touchable Holography Newsletter
Accelerating Intelligence
August 10
Effortless Mastery Message #004: What Musical Depth is Really About Inspirational message from Kenny Werner
Many people are trapped in the delusion,
"Music is important. I am only valid if I play it correctly."
Because of this misconception many musicians live and die
and never know the true joy of music in their lives.
Many jazz players feel that there is an experience in
improvisation that they are not having, or not having enough of.
Classical musicians also report "dryness" in their renderings
of the great composers.
It's like the priest who secretly has no love for God.
The customs are observed, but there is no true feeling.
If the lamp is not lit, music can be as dreary as anything else.
Along with the desire for a deeper experience
comes an intense drive to be a better player.
These aspects often work against each other.
There is only one true purpose to music.
It exists for our enjoyment and enrichment only.
I think a hint that reveals this is the fact that
the verb to commit the act of music is "play."
How serious is it supposed to be if we're supposed to "play?"
It's very hard to let go in the combat of performance,
but the Effortless Mastery exercises will help you
to claim music for your own pleasure.
This realization liberates performers
from the tyranny of the wrong note.
Instead of sweating their performance,
they look forward to it with delicious joy.
After all, it is the performer's "guilty pleasure.
We will talk more about this in subsequent emails.
For now, just understand that:
The greatest performers in any game are the ones
who experience the pure joy of playing more
than the responsibility to play it correctly . . .
"Music can flash through the musician
like lightening through the sky . . ."
if it is unobstructed by thoughts.
Therefore, the elimination of thoughts is a very relevant issue.
That's why the first step in the book
is practicing the elimination of thoughts.
Can you witness your hands moving on your instrument,
your club or your tennis racket without being attached?
Can you throw a dart, pitch a ball or shoot a basket
without caring about hitting the mark?
Can you focus on your breath
without being attached to how well you play?
Thank you for being here
as part of our Effortless Mastery Community.
Kenny Werner
Dr. Andrew Colyer
P.S. How are we doing?
Dr. Andrew Colyer
86 Quarfelt Road, Clinton Corners, NY 12514, USA
Many people are trapped in the delusion,
"Music is important. I am only valid if I play it correctly."
Because of this misconception many musicians live and die
and never know the true joy of music in their lives.
Many jazz players feel that there is an experience in
improvisation that they are not having, or not having enough of.
Classical musicians also report "dryness" in their renderings
of the great composers.
It's like the priest who secretly has no love for God.
The customs are observed, but there is no true feeling.
If the lamp is not lit, music can be as dreary as anything else.
Along with the desire for a deeper experience
comes an intense drive to be a better player.
These aspects often work against each other.
There is only one true purpose to music.
It exists for our enjoyment and enrichment only.
I think a hint that reveals this is the fact that
the verb to commit the act of music is "play."
How serious is it supposed to be if we're supposed to "play?"
It's very hard to let go in the combat of performance,
but the Effortless Mastery exercises will help you
to claim music for your own pleasure.
This realization liberates performers
from the tyranny of the wrong note.
Instead of sweating their performance,
they look forward to it with delicious joy.
After all, it is the performer's "guilty pleasure.
We will talk more about this in subsequent emails.
For now, just understand that:
The greatest performers in any game are the ones
who experience the pure joy of playing more
than the responsibility to play it correctly . . .
"Music can flash through the musician
like lightening through the sky . . ."
if it is unobstructed by thoughts.
Therefore, the elimination of thoughts is a very relevant issue.
That's why the first step in the book
is practicing the elimination of thoughts.
Can you witness your hands moving on your instrument,
your club or your tennis racket without being attached?
Can you throw a dart, pitch a ball or shoot a basket
without caring about hitting the mark?
Can you focus on your breath
without being attached to how well you play?
Thank you for being here
as part of our Effortless Mastery Community.
Kenny Werner
Dr. Andrew Colyer
P.S. How are we doing?
Dr. Andrew Colyer
86 Quarfelt Road, Clinton Corners, NY 12514, USA

August 9
I'm amazed at how an art form like jazz has been reduced to bgm (background music) at cocktail parties and hotel lounges/bars.
I've been told often by agents/managers in the past several years, "We are interested in you being seen and not really heard. We don't want your jazz fans coming here to listen to you. They don't drink enough and stay too long. We want a quick turnover in the seats."
And some "posers" or non-players have the "balls" to say that improvised music is dead? Ha ha the language hasn't died, only some of the speakers of the language have lost their way.
We create our culture or we let our culture be created for us.
If you dare to find out more about the culture creators, read this one....^_-
I'm amazed at how an art form like jazz has been reduced to bgm (background music) at cocktail parties and hotel lounges/bars.
I've been told often by agents/managers in the past several years, "We are interested in you being seen and not really heard. We don't want your jazz fans coming here to listen to you. They don't drink enough and stay too long. We want a quick turnover in the seats."
And some "posers" or non-players have the "balls" to say that improvised music is dead? Ha ha the language hasn't died, only some of the speakers of the language have lost their way.
We create our culture or we let our culture be created for us.
If you dare to find out more about the culture creators, read this one....^_-

background music,
brain chow,
improvised music,
neil stalnaker
August 8
"When you play jazz, you have to live it. You know, those notes mean something. They don't just come from your brain, they come from your heart and soul too. So I think in order to have that heart and soul, you have to experience life. So I relate my music to my life and my lifestyle. You can't separate the two."
Woody Shaw interviewed by Louise Gilbreth 106.7 Jazz Masters WRVR
Saturday, August 8, 2009
August 7
Can't say enough but, don't want to say too much about this interview. Lawrence says some priceless things. I would put some quotes here but, there are simply too many. Young creators really should listen to this (many times) and older creators should listen to get "re-grounded" into the things that drew them into the creative world in the beginning.
Lawrence Williams Interview (video
Art of Lawrence Williams
Lawrence Williams Interview (video
Art of Lawrence Williams
Thursday, August 6, 2009
August 6
Kenny Werner says so much in 7 minutes! Love what he says about the "creativity of the last note."
I've been thinking so much lately about some of things I heard in the video this morning. Maybe I'm not crazy..hahaha. This idea of free improvisation...what is it? Werner says that when we are playing tunes with chord changes, we're not free until we "master" the chords/scales. I believe that. It's not about the chords or the scales, it's playing the tune a million times and mastering those aspects of the tune until we become free. We are not free to really improvise until we pass through that stage. I've had so much trouble the past few years to get my groups to even memorize the music before gigs. It's such a common problem, I've recently started to think maybe I'm foolish. Learning to play the tune seems like a logical first step (with music or learning by ear). Next I want to memorize the tune/chords/scales. Listen to different versions. Play the tune in different keys. Memorize and sing solos of others that have recorded the tune just to understand how they perceived the structure and learn vocabulary. Maybe even learn the tune on the piano, slowly playing the chords, singing the chords, singing bass notes, singing the melody. These are all small steps towards gaining freedom "inside" of a tune.
I've been thinking so much lately about some of things I heard in the video this morning. Maybe I'm not crazy..hahaha. This idea of free improvisation...what is it? Werner says that when we are playing tunes with chord changes, we're not free until we "master" the chords/scales. I believe that. It's not about the chords or the scales, it's playing the tune a million times and mastering those aspects of the tune until we become free. We are not free to really improvise until we pass through that stage. I've had so much trouble the past few years to get my groups to even memorize the music before gigs. It's such a common problem, I've recently started to think maybe I'm foolish. Learning to play the tune seems like a logical first step (with music or learning by ear). Next I want to memorize the tune/chords/scales. Listen to different versions. Play the tune in different keys. Memorize and sing solos of others that have recorded the tune just to understand how they perceived the structure and learn vocabulary. Maybe even learn the tune on the piano, slowly playing the chords, singing the chords, singing bass notes, singing the melody. These are all small steps towards gaining freedom "inside" of a tune.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
August 5
"If you don't know history, it's like you were born yesterday."
Howard Zinn
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
August 4
Lightning in a Bottle: Creating, Presenting, and Preserving Jazz
Philoctetes - Home
At 1:34:00, Shoenberg and Pope talking about the composition process.
Listening to Pope's band, I'm reminded of my experiences teaching at summer jazz camps and/or beginning improvisation classes. Over the years, I noticed time and time again young students of improvisation become paralyzed and unable to play because of their fear of chord changes. Some of the most successful ensembles I've had were started by playing "free." I might have the bass player play a pedal note or ask the drummer to start playing some kind of a groove. It's always amazing to see/hear how creative these young people are. I want them to get a taste of creating, to get the experience (without limitations) of improvising. It's possible later to slowly introduce songs that incorporate chord changes/scales and more complex harmonic language.
That being said, I often play with musicians who've been playing for years and dislike or feel uncomfortable with "free" improvised music or "free jazz." I think that is part of the reason that young players are afraid to enter the world of improvisation. The "educational system" in the world of improvisation seems to throw a lot of rules and complex ideas at young people that don't have a clue. The result: fear.
Recently, taught an ensemble of young players. They are a few years into the "indoctrination process of chords/scales and learning the bebop language. I happened to have a book of some of M.C. Escher's works in my horn case. We spent a few minutes looking at some of Escher's work and I asked them to improvise one of his designs. They seemed a little apprehensive. So, I asked them to imagine that we are in the studio and doing a soundtrack for a documentary on Escher's life and work. We have been handed a copy of this design and the producers want us to come up with some music to put behind this scene....NOW. It was amazing how creative this ensemble became. I was in shock. In that class we played some standard jazz and funk tunes but, when they created this free improvisation of a design by Escher, it was by far the most beautiful and sensitive playing they had done in weeks!
A great performance by Odean Pope and his Trio followed by an hour of discussion about the creative process and improvisation. Odean makes some special comments about inspiration and the role that plays in his improvisations and compositions.
"The Philoctetes Center for the Multidisciplinary Study of the Imagination was established to promote an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to the understanding of creativity and the imaginative process."
Philoctetes - Home
At 1:34:00, Shoenberg and Pope talking about the composition process.
Listening to Pope's band, I'm reminded of my experiences teaching at summer jazz camps and/or beginning improvisation classes. Over the years, I noticed time and time again young students of improvisation become paralyzed and unable to play because of their fear of chord changes. Some of the most successful ensembles I've had were started by playing "free." I might have the bass player play a pedal note or ask the drummer to start playing some kind of a groove. It's always amazing to see/hear how creative these young people are. I want them to get a taste of creating, to get the experience (without limitations) of improvising. It's possible later to slowly introduce songs that incorporate chord changes/scales and more complex harmonic language.
That being said, I often play with musicians who've been playing for years and dislike or feel uncomfortable with "free" improvised music or "free jazz." I think that is part of the reason that young players are afraid to enter the world of improvisation. The "educational system" in the world of improvisation seems to throw a lot of rules and complex ideas at young people that don't have a clue. The result: fear.
Recently, taught an ensemble of young players. They are a few years into the "indoctrination process of chords/scales and learning the bebop language. I happened to have a book of some of M.C. Escher's works in my horn case. We spent a few minutes looking at some of Escher's work and I asked them to improvise one of his designs. They seemed a little apprehensive. So, I asked them to imagine that we are in the studio and doing a soundtrack for a documentary on Escher's life and work. We have been handed a copy of this design and the producers want us to come up with some music to put behind this scene....NOW. It was amazing how creative this ensemble became. I was in shock. In that class we played some standard jazz and funk tunes but, when they created this free improvisation of a design by Escher, it was by far the most beautiful and sensitive playing they had done in weeks!
Monday, August 3, 2009
August 3
Went to Miyakojima in Okinawa last year. Maybe it's just about time to go there again. Miyakojima is a tropical paradise, actually closer to Taiwan than the main southern Japanese islands. I didn't see any evidence of over-development there. Lots of wide-open spaces, sugar cane farms, beautiful white sand beaches and quiet. I'll have to say, in the past few years, except for my occasional trips to West Virginia or west of Tokyo to the Japanese alps, I felt the most inspired to create while on Miyakojima. I just love nature. That's it. Period. Very difficult for me to feel inspired living in the city. I guess I can create anywhere and under a lot of different conditions. But, if I had my preference......
August 2
The Power of Nightmares
(parts 1-3)
Another documentary presenting more ideas on the process in which "the system" has guided our thinking and perceptions of society and the world around us. With this constant attack on our senses and thinking, I wonder how the growth of creativity is stunted and/or limited?
(parts 1-3)
Another documentary presenting more ideas on the process in which "the system" has guided our thinking and perceptions of society and the world around us. With this constant attack on our senses and thinking, I wonder how the growth of creativity is stunted and/or limited?
August 1
"Trumpet player Clark Terry summarizes the creative process as "imitate, assimilate, innovate". Listening to other musicians can give you ideas you may wish to develop further, and being able to successfully duplicate what they are doing is one step toward being able to express yourself. Next, you must understand why the things you are playing sound the way they do, so that when you want to create a particular sound, you will know how to achieve it. The theory presented in the following sections can help you structure your thoughts, and can also help you identify the sounds you hear. However, analytic processes are an aid to the creative process, not a replacement for it. Two analogies, one with language and one with mathematics, should help make this clear.Trumpet player Clark Terry summarizes the creative process as "imitate, assimilate, innovate". Listening to other musicians can give you ideas you may wish to develop further, and being able to successfully duplicate what they are doing is one step toward being able to express yourself. Next, you must understand why the things you are playing sound the way they do, so that when you want to create a particular sound, you will know how to achieve it. The theory presented in the following sections can help you structure your thoughts, and can also help you identify the sounds you hear. However, analytic processes are an aid to the creative process, not a replacement for it. Two analogies, one with language and one with mathematics, should help make this clear."
Jazz Fundamentals - Marc Sabatella
July 31
After listening to the first tune, you'll here some interesting comments from Hargrove about creativity and where the music comes from.
Roy Hargrove on Music
Roy Hargrove on Music
creative process,
japan jazz,
neil stalnaker,
roy hargrove,
tokyo jazz
Friday, July 31, 2009
July 30

New Experiences
When I talk with students about creativity, I like to emphasize that it is so important to try new things and have new experiences. It doesn't have to be anything extravagant or expensive. While I've been in Karuizawa, I've been trying some new food, going for walks, and taking photos. Today, I even tried a couple of local beers.
July 29
Saw this amazing site today riding along in the bus from Tokyo to Karuizawa. Fortunately, I had my camera on the seat beside me and was able to grab a quick shot of this beautiful green valley.
I had been feeling really stressed for days before this trip. As soon as I saw this site and was able to get a photo, all of the tension and stress left my body. Amazing. It was such a simple thing that brought transformation. and it happened so quickly and effortlessly.
As I dig deeper into this "creative process" project, the more I find it's really the uncomplicated, effortless things that seem to create and/or bring me back to a state of "flow."
I had been feeling really stressed for days before this trip. As soon as I saw this site and was able to get a photo, all of the tension and stress left my body. Amazing. It was such a simple thing that brought transformation. and it happened so quickly and effortlessly.
As I dig deeper into this "creative process" project, the more I find it's really the uncomplicated, effortless things that seem to create and/or bring me back to a state of "flow."
July 28
The Future of Music on NPR
Great interview with David Kusek (Berklee College of Music)
Click on the above link and listen/download the interview.
Great interview with David Kusek (Berklee College of Music)
Click on the above link and listen/download the interview.
As independent musicians, should we make CD's in the future? Just record tracks and sell them online? How to build a base of people interested in our music? Record deals? Do we need the major labels anymore? Just use the recording as a promotional tool, as a business card? Wondering where the creative process plays a part in all of this. Branding?
Monday, July 27, 2009
July 27
James Cameron talks tech, "Avatar" at Comic-Con
Soylent Green
A dystopian movie from 1973 that presented material about a 2022 overpopulated world in which most of the resources had been exhausted. They've been planting the seeds for quite a while....^_-
Clark Terry - "Storyteller" (video interview)
Tom Wujac Speaks at TED

"I think it's really more of a bonus at the moment that you sit down and watch the movie that you feel more immersed in it and more physically present. I actually think 3D engages more areas of the brain, just the way we process 3D images. It makes you more aware and more present as you're watching the film because there's more brain activity."
James Cameron talkstech, "Avatar" at Comic-Con
Interesting comments. As time goes on, I look at the way movies, TV, etc are used to deliver messages/info to the masses. It's intriguing to me that those in the industry are trying to find more ways for us to be totally immersed in the media experience.
Soylent Green
A dystopian movie from 1973 that presented material about a 2022 overpopulated world in which most of the resources had been exhausted. They've been planting the seeds for quite a while....^_-
Clark Terry - "Storyteller" (video interview)
Probably my biggest influence on the trumpet and in jazz. Always noticed that Clark Terry and others in his generation have been great storytellers with or without their instruments. I can remember sitting around campfires listening to my Grandad tell stories for hours. I just couldn't get enough of that. This week, I'll be looking into storytelling and storytellers and thinking about how that shows up in making music, improvisation and the creative process in general.
Tom Wujac Speaks at TED
July 26
Got an email this morning from Derek Sivers (formerly CD Baby). Derek has recently returned from the TED Talks at Oxford. Honestly, with so much information flying at me, I had forgotten about TED. Just check-out the website and the videos of the speakers from all the previous TED Talks. What a great resource for creative material. Topics are just completely all over the grid. As a creativity exercise, it's fun to try to connect seemingly totally unrelated ideas/topics to come up with fresh new perspectives.
Derek Sivers blog about TED
It was just last week that I talked about this same idea with some friends. I was thinking more like a 5-year plan. That gives plenty of time to immerse in the language/culture.
Brother Paulus at TED
Recently, I've been doing a lot of ear training. I've played a lot this past few years and gotten caught up in the flow of practicing at home and running out to do gigs/rehearsals. Now I'm in a stage of going back and doing all the things I was doing when I was 23-26 years old. I'm back to doing Ran Blake and Marc Copeland exercises daily. So, I've been wondering about the effects of perfect pitch on one's creativity and /or improvisational ability.
Abosolute Pitch
Wiki Perfect Pitch
Research on Pierfect Pitch
Interesting little piece on "jump-starting" the creative process.
Stimulating Creativity Using Forced Serendipity
Stimulating Creativity Using Forced Serendiipity
I was scanning over some books on Amazon and ran into several books that I read back in the 1980's and 90's. Going to have to go back over them soon. As I recall, the most important page in Think and Grow Rich is page 32 or 36. Here Hill gives the common steps that all of the successful folks he interviewed seemed to take on their path to greatness.
Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
Winning Through Enlightenment - Ron Smothermon
Transformation #1 - Ron Smothermon
Transformation: The Life and Legacy of Werner Erhard - Robyn Simon and Walter Maksym
Actualizations: You Don't Have To Rehearse to be Yourself - Stewart Emory
Handbook to Higher Consciousness - Ken Keyes
Derek Sivers blog about TED
"For example, I plan to live in a dozen different countries around the world, for 1-3 years each. Most of my friends think I’m weird for this, but at TED I met four separate people who have done this or are doing it now." Sivers
It was just last week that I talked about this same idea with some friends. I was thinking more like a 5-year plan. That gives plenty of time to immerse in the language/culture.
Brother Paulus at TED
Recently, I've been doing a lot of ear training. I've played a lot this past few years and gotten caught up in the flow of practicing at home and running out to do gigs/rehearsals. Now I'm in a stage of going back and doing all the things I was doing when I was 23-26 years old. I'm back to doing Ran Blake and Marc Copeland exercises daily. So, I've been wondering about the effects of perfect pitch on one's creativity and /or improvisational ability.
Abosolute Pitch
Wiki Perfect Pitch
Research on Pierfect Pitch
Interesting little piece on "jump-starting" the creative process.
Stimulating Creativity Using Forced Serendipity
Stimulating Creativity Using Forced Serendiipity
I was scanning over some books on Amazon and ran into several books that I read back in the 1980's and 90's. Going to have to go back over them soon. As I recall, the most important page in Think and Grow Rich is page 32 or 36. Here Hill gives the common steps that all of the successful folks he interviewed seemed to take on their path to greatness.
Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
Winning Through Enlightenment - Ron Smothermon
Transformation #1 - Ron Smothermon
Transformation: The Life and Legacy of Werner Erhard - Robyn Simon and Walter Maksym
Actualizations: You Don't Have To Rehearse to be Yourself - Stewart Emory
Handbook to Higher Consciousness - Ken Keyes
July 25
When I think of the creative process, I'm often drawn to movies and actors. Maybe some would think that strange coming from a trumpet player.
In the early 1990's after I left my gig as a trumpet soloist in the Navy Commodores Big Band in Washington, D.C., I found myself back in my hometown of Elkins, West Virginia. Some have asked why I made such a move. Well, it's a long story for another day. All I can say today is that at the time, things might not make sense. However, if you look back years later, events seem to fit together like a puzzle. At age 32, I was diagnosed with stage IV throat cancer. So, I think it made perfect sense that I was back in my hometown with my spiritual support group around me.
While living in Elkins, I was around some community theater folks. Occasionally, I played for some of the shows. It was always great fun.
During this time, I was playing in a club called Captain Tease quite often. It was one of those clubs that musicians can play almost style of music and people seem to really respect the spirit of the music. The was an actor from Elkins who had spent a number of years in New York named Dale Wilson. Initially, I knew Dale from his radio work in Elkins. He had a great voice on WDNE. It was years later that i found out about his talents as an actor and his years in New York.
Dale used to come to my gigs often. We had many good conversations during my breaks comparing the improvisational world of jazz musicians and the world of acting. I knew that Dale had a heart condition and I was always concerned about his habit of having scotch, peanut butter pie and chain-smoking at my gigs. Dale had so much to say about timing, rhythm and grounding. I really felt like I was in the presence of a master. Unfortunately, Dale passed away soon after. I'll have to say, I knew he REALLY lived his life. So, when it came time for him to pass on to the "next stage", I didn't feel sadness. I knew this was a guy that really "turned over every stone" and checked out life completely.
From that experience, I started to pay a lot more attention to the actors' world. People in Japan sometimes ask me about my favorite actor or movie. Without question, my favorite actor is Al Pacino and the movie is a movie that Pacino was in called Scent of a Woman.
Below are some of my favorite Pacino clips. Also you will see Pacino and DeNiro together in a clip from "Heat." DeNiro is probably #2 for me.
A Storyteller
Scent of a Woman
Scent of a Woman....commentary on women
Pacino and DeNiro in Heat
In the early 1990's after I left my gig as a trumpet soloist in the Navy Commodores Big Band in Washington, D.C., I found myself back in my hometown of Elkins, West Virginia. Some have asked why I made such a move. Well, it's a long story for another day. All I can say today is that at the time, things might not make sense. However, if you look back years later, events seem to fit together like a puzzle. At age 32, I was diagnosed with stage IV throat cancer. So, I think it made perfect sense that I was back in my hometown with my spiritual support group around me.
While living in Elkins, I was around some community theater folks. Occasionally, I played for some of the shows. It was always great fun.
During this time, I was playing in a club called Captain Tease quite often. It was one of those clubs that musicians can play almost style of music and people seem to really respect the spirit of the music. The was an actor from Elkins who had spent a number of years in New York named Dale Wilson. Initially, I knew Dale from his radio work in Elkins. He had a great voice on WDNE. It was years later that i found out about his talents as an actor and his years in New York.
Dale used to come to my gigs often. We had many good conversations during my breaks comparing the improvisational world of jazz musicians and the world of acting. I knew that Dale had a heart condition and I was always concerned about his habit of having scotch, peanut butter pie and chain-smoking at my gigs. Dale had so much to say about timing, rhythm and grounding. I really felt like I was in the presence of a master. Unfortunately, Dale passed away soon after. I'll have to say, I knew he REALLY lived his life. So, when it came time for him to pass on to the "next stage", I didn't feel sadness. I knew this was a guy that really "turned over every stone" and checked out life completely.
From that experience, I started to pay a lot more attention to the actors' world. People in Japan sometimes ask me about my favorite actor or movie. Without question, my favorite actor is Al Pacino and the movie is a movie that Pacino was in called Scent of a Woman.
Below are some of my favorite Pacino clips. Also you will see Pacino and DeNiro together in a clip from "Heat." DeNiro is probably #2 for me.
A Storyteller
Scent of a Woman
Scent of a Woman....commentary on women
Pacino and DeNiro in Heat
al pacino,
navy commodores,
robert deniro,
scent of a woman
Sunday, July 26, 2009
July 24
Was talking with my son about the possibility of him doing an independent study for a semester. Just the sound of that is interesting to me. Independent. Study. I was standing in the shower thinking about that this afternoon and wondered, "Why doesn't everyone do independent studies through school?" What is the other option.....dependent studies? Yeah, I remember going in and sitting for 90 minutes and frenetically taking notes. Not really listening to the lecture. Just trying to grab what I could, knowing that I would need to regurgitate some of that info in an exam. 2-4 weeks later I would have very little memory of anything on the exam much less all those notes from class. I know without a doubt, if I had done independent studies, I would have been a completely different student. Ah, there I go again, going against the system. Silly me. Independent studies?! Now that wouldn't prepare me for an assembly line now would that? I wouldn't be a very valuable human resource would I? Just listen to that. HUMAN RESOURCE.....
Maybe now would be a good time to introduce one of my favorite writers/speakers/researchers on the background of the formation of the education system in America. Below you will be able to listen to John Taylor Gatto being interviewed by Alex Jones.
Friday, July 24, 2009
July 23
Freddie Hubbard interview (audio)
Great interview with one of the masters. Freddie was a huge influence on me. I was fortunate to be able to go and hear him every night when he came through Washington, D.C. back in the 1980's. What a sound!
Freddie Hubbard interview (text)
Genetically Modified Food
I don't know about anyone else but, I don't want my food messed with in a lab before I eat it.
Yoga Journal
So many of the lessons of yoga can be applied to other areas of one's life. Yoga is something that i see myself doing until I die. Grreat for me spiritually, mentally and physically!
Amnesty International Tokyo English Network
New organization I'm interested in. They are showing documentaries every month. Go to the link above for more info.
Creative Pro - Shooting Sunrise/Sunset
I'm trying to get more and more technique before I upgrade to a better camera next year.
Population Media Center
Sounds like "eugenics " to me......
Derek Sivers Blog (Formerly with CD BAby)
Derek always has some interesting thoughts.
Hugh MacLeod -How To Be Creative
Really great piece by Hugh Macleod
Change This
Great website for ideas!
Phage - The Virus That Cures
WATCH THIS! Amazing almost no one in the western hemisphere knows about phage! AMAZING!
Pirates and Revolutionaries
Clever Ideas
Interesting Appoinments
LENSWORK Podcast #549
Language Monitor
Great interview with one of the masters. Freddie was a huge influence on me. I was fortunate to be able to go and hear him every night when he came through Washington, D.C. back in the 1980's. What a sound!
Freddie Hubbard interview (text)
Genetically Modified Food
I don't know about anyone else but, I don't want my food messed with in a lab before I eat it.
Yoga Journal
So many of the lessons of yoga can be applied to other areas of one's life. Yoga is something that i see myself doing until I die. Grreat for me spiritually, mentally and physically!
Amnesty International Tokyo English Network
New organization I'm interested in. They are showing documentaries every month. Go to the link above for more info.
Creative Pro - Shooting Sunrise/Sunset
I'm trying to get more and more technique before I upgrade to a better camera next year.
Population Media Center
Sounds like "eugenics " to me......
Derek Sivers Blog (Formerly with CD BAby)
Derek always has some interesting thoughts.
Hugh MacLeod -How To Be Creative
Really great piece by Hugh Macleod
Change This
Great website for ideas!
Phage - The Virus That Cures
WATCH THIS! Amazing almost no one in the western hemisphere knows about phage! AMAZING!
Pirates and Revolutionaries
Clever Ideas
Interesting Appoinments
LENSWORK Podcast #549
Language Monitor
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
July 22
July 22
Political Correctness
The origin and nature of political correctness.
Newspeak - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Literature Suppressed on Political Grounds
Suppressed Political Grounds
Phone gadget to diagnose disease
LENSWORK Podcast 547
I've been hearing terms like politically correct, conspiracy theory, freedom fighter, militants, evil-doer, climate change, globalization, race card, hate speech, physically challenged, Indigenous citizens, Native-Americans, Flight attendant, peacekeeper, and pro-life. I wonder where a lot of these words come from. Kind of sounds like "newspeak" from 1984 to me. Hard for to me to put into words. But, I wonder how much my thoughts are "programmed" by the language. We often talk about computer languages and programming computers. How much are we "programmed" by our language? The media is so powerful and persuasive now. It's so easy for them to adjust the language. How does this affect my thinking, my view of reality, my ability to create and improvise. Living in a foreign country gives me an opportunity to observe people using a different language and the corresponding behavior, thought patterns and perceptions of reality. Since the basis of this blog is about creativity/improvisation, it makes me curious about the effects of language on my creativity.
Political Correctness
The origin and nature of political correctness.
Newspeak - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Literature Suppressed on Political Grounds
Suppressed Political Grounds
Phone gadget to diagnose disease
LENSWORK Podcast 547
"Political correctness (noun) and politically correct (adjective) (PC) are the terms applied to language, ideas, policies, and behaviour meant to enforce ideologic conformity to an orthodox authority. The usages are principally pejorative — ridiculing the “unquestionable authority” of the orthodoxy and the authority figure. The adjectival term politically incorrect denotes language and ideas, unconstrained by orthodoxy, that might offend the orthodox PC folk."
Political Correctness - Wikipedia
I've been hearing terms like politically correct, conspiracy theory, freedom fighter, militants, evil-doer, climate change, globalization, race card, hate speech, physically challenged, Indigenous citizens, Native-Americans, Flight attendant, peacekeeper, and pro-life. I wonder where a lot of these words come from. Kind of sounds like "newspeak" from 1984 to me. Hard for to me to put into words. But, I wonder how much my thoughts are "programmed" by the language. We often talk about computer languages and programming computers. How much are we "programmed" by our language? The media is so powerful and persuasive now. It's so easy for them to adjust the language. How does this affect my thinking, my view of reality, my ability to create and improvise. Living in a foreign country gives me an opportunity to observe people using a different language and the corresponding behavior, thought patterns and perceptions of reality. Since the basis of this blog is about creativity/improvisation, it makes me curious about the effects of language on my creativity.
lenswork extended,
politically correct
July 21
Improvisation on "Improvisation"
Lenswork Podcast #546
Yoga Journal - "In the Zone"
Yoga Journal: "Riding Your Breath Home"
Creative Newsletter
Dick Cheney's "Executive Assassination Ring".
Was British Weapons Expert Dr. David Kelly a Target? Newsletter
The Crowd Is Wise (When It’s Focused)
Mind Uploading Home PageMind
Harnessing Crowds: Mapping the Genome of Collective Intelligence (pdf-download)
Pirates and Revolutionaries
Scott Wollschelger
Would you give up your immortality to ensure the success of a posthuman world?
Ben Goertzel's BlogNASA Newsletter
Spent some time today going through a wide variety of things but, the one that really "got me" was the info on "mind uploading." OMG!!! It reminded me of a meeting I had a few months ago with a guy that works with an online virtual reality company similar to Second Life. We were having an interesting talk about futuristic kinds of things. I couldn't believe it when he casually told me that people will eventually be loaded onto discs! I was thinking, "What?! Did I hear him correctly?" Oh my, we're living in interesting times...
Lenswork Podcast #546
Yoga Journal - "In the Zone"
Yoga Journal: "Riding Your Breath Home"
Creative Newsletter
Dick Cheney's "Executive Assassination Ring".
Was British Weapons Expert Dr. David Kelly a Target? Newsletter
The Crowd Is Wise (When It’s Focused)
Mind Uploading Home PageMind
Harnessing Crowds: Mapping the Genome of Collective Intelligence (pdf-download)
Pirates and Revolutionaries
Scott Wollschelger
Would you give up your immortality to ensure the success of a posthuman world?
Ben Goertzel's BlogNASA Newsletter
Spent some time today going through a wide variety of things but, the one that really "got me" was the info on "mind uploading." OMG!!! It reminded me of a meeting I had a few months ago with a guy that works with an online virtual reality company similar to Second Life. We were having an interesting talk about futuristic kinds of things. I couldn't believe it when he casually told me that people will eventually be loaded onto discs! I was thinking, "What?! Did I hear him correctly?" Oh my, we're living in interesting times...
Monday, July 20, 2009
July 20
Lateral Action newsletter came today. I've really been enjoying this newsletter. Always great information on the creative process.
In this issue, the question is posed about multi-tasking. Is it productive? Is it even possible? There is also some good info from "flow" and creativity guru Csikszentmihaly about the "zone" of creativity and how we access it.

Alan Watt
Cutting Through the Matrix
Just like the title says, "Cutting Through the Matrix."
Alex Jones Podcast
News you most likely will not get through the mainstream media.
In this issue, the question is posed about multi-tasking. Is it productive? Is it even possible? There is also some good info from "flow" and creativity guru Csikszentmihaly about the "zone" of creativity and how we access it.

Alan Watt
Cutting Through the Matrix
Just like the title says, "Cutting Through the Matrix."
Alex Jones Podcast
News you most likely will not get through the mainstream media.
July 19
Couple of hours of trumpet in the morning (SLOW-SLOW-SLOW)
Singing tunes..Strayhorn, Monk, Ellington..and some standards
Long walk
Dark Knight-Batman
Started watching the dvd (about half). Friend of mine told me that the propaganda and "predictive programming" is so up in your face. Try to finish it tonight (7/20).
Couple of hours of trumpet in the morning (SLOW-SLOW-SLOW)
Singing tunes..Strayhorn, Monk, Ellington..and some standards
Long walk
Dark Knight-Batman
Started watching the dvd (about half). Friend of mine told me that the propaganda and "predictive programming" is so up in your face. Try to finish it tonight (7/20).
japan jazz,
japan music,
jazz weekly,
neil stalnaker,
tokyo art,
tokyo jazz,
tokyo music
July 18
Long gig today (12 hours) at one of THE most famous luxury item stores in the world.
I say that only because as I was playing, it was AMAZING watching people. That's all I can say....just AMAZING.
Had a lot of "breaks" during this gig today so I got to do some reading. Read a lot of interviews from the Jazz Weekly website.
Fireside Chat With Dave Holland
Fireside Chat With Tom Harrell
Fireside Chat With Lester Bowie
Fireside Chat With George Coleman
Fireside Chat With Anthony Braxton
Fireside Chat With Billy Harper
I say that only because as I was playing, it was AMAZING watching people. That's all I can say....just AMAZING.
Had a lot of "breaks" during this gig today so I got to do some reading. Read a lot of interviews from the Jazz Weekly website.
Fireside Chat With Dave Holland
Fireside Chat With Tom Harrell
Fireside Chat With Lester Bowie
Fireside Chat With George Coleman
Fireside Chat With Anthony Braxton
Fireside Chat With Billy Harper
July 17

Vein of Gold
Mind Map

causal plane
"cross the bridge" into a "space"where our imagination and thoughts
start to take a physical form
vibration 6 rhythm
(desire + energy) + imagination (thoughts)= manifestation (solid form)
dreams (thoughts) become reality

DeBono Creativity Work-out
Exercise #9 Value
Pick 5 random words
Which word creates the most value (Expensive, Safest, etc)
Exercise #10
Multiple Connections
Pick 2 random words
Create multiple connects for these words
(Go beyond the obvious)

If You Want To Write - Ueland
Chapter 3
I've read in multiple locations in the past 2 weeks, the value of walking in the creative process. Taking a simple walk. Who would've guessed? Once again, it's the simple things. I can attest to the importance of walking, not only for the obvious health values, but also the way in which taking a 30 minute walk can free up the mind.
I started intentionally taking daily walks about 5 years ago. I can't imagine the number of miles I've covered in those 5 years. There really does seem to be some connection between the rhythm that you get into on a longer walk, coupled with the breathing that causes me to be able to go deeper with my imagination. Sometimes there is a flood of new ideas, things to do, new insights on projects, new melodies, old melodies, etc. Julia Cameron speaks of the importance of walking in the Vein of Gold. She explains how valued walking was to creative/spiritual groups all through history. Walking is an improvisation. I've asked students if they take the same route to school everyday or to their train station. Invariable, the answer is yes. Trying a new route is fun. It can be really surprising (even in your own neighborhood) what new things you will encounter just trying a different route. That's the same kind of idea as playing tunes in the same old keys. Try a tune in a new key. It's surprising what new ideas pop-out unexpectedly because the fingers aren't able to run through the same old patterns. Suddenly the subconscious is released!
If You Want To Write-Chapter 5
taking care of "odds and ends."
drivers License renewal
phone office-new battery
teaching at Senzoku
internet work
cafe-Couple of hours of reading
trumpet-late night long-tones
Taught final ensemble class of the semester today. Gave the students a copy of my latest CD. I gave them the CD because I wanted to stress to the students the idea of doing a complete creative project from beginning to end.
Create a concept/idea
Forming a band
Rehearse the band
Post Production
Follow-up gigs/tour
We talked about being involved in every step of the process rather than doing a
Century of the Self
Edward Bernays - "Father" of PR (Propaganda)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

It's funny..serendipity I guess. This morning as I was packing to leave for the day, I put together the CD's for the students (to talk about "concept/idea oriented projects") and put an old issue of LENSWORK magazine in my bag. At the cafe, I started reading Brooks Jensen's editor's notes and he was talking about "portfolio-oriented projects" for photographers. It's really a great article and applies perfectly to musicians as well as photographers.
why do folios?
project-oriented photography
material included (quantity) varies from artist to artist & project to project
consistency throughout the project
there is a "big picture" idea that encompasses the project
portfolios are about ideas-another level above just photos
tells a story
creates emotion
Vein of Gold
Mind Map
causal plane
"cross the bridge" into a "space"where our imagination and thoughts
start to take a physical form
vibration 6 rhythm
(desire + energy) + imagination (thoughts)= manifestation (solid form)
dreams (thoughts) become reality
"As we walk, we "cross the bridge" into the realm of desire and imagination."
Julia Cameron - Vein of Gold pg. 32
DeBono Creativity Work-out
Exercise #9 Value
Pick 5 random words
Which word creates the most value (Expensive, Safest, etc)
Exercise #10
Multiple Connections
Pick 2 random words
Create multiple connects for these words
(Go beyond the obvious)

If You Want To Write - Ueland
Chapter 3
"But the moment I read Van Gogh's letter I knew what art was, and the creative impulse. It is a feeling of love and enthusiasm for something and in a direct, simple, passionate and true way, you try to show this beauty in things to others, by drawing it."
Ueland - If You Want To Write pg 19
I've read in multiple locations in the past 2 weeks, the value of walking in the creative process. Taking a simple walk. Who would've guessed? Once again, it's the simple things. I can attest to the importance of walking, not only for the obvious health values, but also the way in which taking a 30 minute walk can free up the mind.
I started intentionally taking daily walks about 5 years ago. I can't imagine the number of miles I've covered in those 5 years. There really does seem to be some connection between the rhythm that you get into on a longer walk, coupled with the breathing that causes me to be able to go deeper with my imagination. Sometimes there is a flood of new ideas, things to do, new insights on projects, new melodies, old melodies, etc. Julia Cameron speaks of the importance of walking in the Vein of Gold. She explains how valued walking was to creative/spiritual groups all through history. Walking is an improvisation. I've asked students if they take the same route to school everyday or to their train station. Invariable, the answer is yes. Trying a new route is fun. It can be really surprising (even in your own neighborhood) what new things you will encounter just trying a different route. That's the same kind of idea as playing tunes in the same old keys. Try a tune in a new key. It's surprising what new ideas pop-out unexpectedly because the fingers aren't able to run through the same old patterns. Suddenly the subconscious is released!
If You Want To Write-Chapter 5
"I will tell you what I have learned myself. For me, a long 5 or 6 mile walk helps. And one must go alone and everyday.
My explanation of it is that when I walk in a carefree way, without straining to get to my destination, then I am living in the present. And it is only then that the creative power flourishes"
Ueland - If You Want To Write pg 43
taking care of "odds and ends."
drivers License renewal
phone office-new battery
teaching at Senzoku
internet work
cafe-Couple of hours of reading
trumpet-late night long-tones
Taught final ensemble class of the semester today. Gave the students a copy of my latest CD. I gave them the CD because I wanted to stress to the students the idea of doing a complete creative project from beginning to end.
Create a concept/idea
Forming a band
Rehearse the band
Post Production
Follow-up gigs/tour
We talked about being involved in every step of the process rather than doing a
"corporately controlled"project. Talked about how the culture is being created from the top down. (PR-propaganda-brain washing)
Century of the Self
Edward Bernays - "Father" of PR (Propaganda)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
It's funny..serendipity I guess. This morning as I was packing to leave for the day, I put together the CD's for the students (to talk about "concept/idea oriented projects") and put an old issue of LENSWORK magazine in my bag. At the cafe, I started reading Brooks Jensen's editor's notes and he was talking about "portfolio-oriented projects" for photographers. It's really a great article and applies perfectly to musicians as well as photographers.
why do folios?
project-oriented photography
material included (quantity) varies from artist to artist & project to project
consistency throughout the project
there is a "big picture" idea that encompasses the project
portfolios are about ideas-another level above just photos
tells a story
creates emotion
Thursday, July 16, 2009
July 16
Catching up on newsletter reading today. First thing I ran into was this story about a biomass-eating robot being created for the Pentagon and D.A.R.P.A. by Robot Technology Inc. After seeing my first "Terminator" film last week and also Transformers, I'm not surprised. Couldn't believe how "out in the open" they were in those movies about the "predictive programming."
New Military Robots Could Feed On Corpes
Killer Military Robots
Robot Technology, Inc Official Website
Robot Technology, Inc Official Website EATR Project
Intelligent/Manless Vehicle Project
United Nations TV
Cell Magazine
NASA-Wide Awake in the Sea of Tranquillity
Lenswork Podcast #544
When There Is Nothing Left To Prove
RAND News letter
Ray Kurweil Newsletter
Open Culture
Strangeness In The Skies
Japan Inc
Towards a Solution to the Debt Crisis in California
The State could walk away & create its own credit machine
creative prose
NAPP Newsletter
Catching up on newsletter reading today. First thing I ran into was this story about a biomass-eating robot being created for the Pentagon and D.A.R.P.A. by Robot Technology Inc. After seeing my first "Terminator" film last week and also Transformers, I'm not surprised. Couldn't believe how "out in the open" they were in those movies about the "predictive programming."
New Military Robots Could Feed On Corpes
Killer Military Robots
Robot Technology, Inc Official Website
Robot Technology, Inc Official Website EATR Project
Intelligent/Manless Vehicle Project
United Nations TV
Cell Magazine
NASA-Wide Awake in the Sea of Tranquillity
Lenswork Podcast #544
When There Is Nothing Left To Prove
RAND News letter
Ray Kurweil Newsletter
Open Culture
Strangeness In The Skies
Japan Inc
Towards a Solution to the Debt Crisis in California
The State could walk away & create its own credit machine
creative prose
NAPP Newsletter
Some ask me why I would want to read about all of these different subjects. I ask, "Why not?" I'm curious. It's the same as walking into a magazine shop and picking out 5-10 magazines of seemingly unrelated topics. Actually, for me part of the fun is seeing how connected many of these subjects really are. Plus, I'm led down roads and streams of thought that I could have never imagined.
intelligent vehicles,
random word,
ray kurzweil,
robot technology inc,
July 15
Morning/afternoon/evening sessions
Slow-slow-slow practice
A lot of interval practice today.
Learned the Monk tune: We See

After Mister Doughnut, went across the street to SATY department store/cinema complex. Stopped in the entrance and donned a pair of 3D glasses with some kids to catch a preview of a new Disney movie.
KNOWING - Nicolas Cage

Morning/afternoon/evening sessions
Slow-slow-slow practice
A lot of interval practice today.
Learned the Monk tune: We See

Spent some time reading at Mister Doughnut today. Had to try a new mango/peach/orange frozen drink and green tea doughnut. Have to keep tryin' new things!!!

KNOWING - Nicolas Cage

Picked these things out randomly this afternoon to take to the cafe and read. Kind of surprising later when I got into the reading. Julia Cameron was referring to Ueland and her book in Vein of Gold. And then I started reading a great interview/article in Scientific American on the Creative Mind and found that Cameroon was one of the writers being interviewed.
If You Want To Write - Ueland
In chapter 4, Ueland speaks about the necessity for idle time in the creative process. Constant "busy work" can block the flow of new ideas. She says to not feel guilty about having periods of inactivity.
Vein of Gold - Cameron
Your Mode of Transportation: Walking
Cameron speaks of the importance of walking as a creative tool. She cites examples throughout history of creative/spiritual people making daliy walks a part of their creative process. This also goes hand in hand with Ueland's comments about being willing to have periods of idleness (which could include taking long walks each day).
Scientific American Mind
"The Creative Mind"
A valuable article with tons of info given in a very straight forward manner. In a nutshell:
Capturing Surrounding Challenging Broadening
If You Want To Write - Ueland
In chapter 4, Ueland speaks about the necessity for idle time in the creative process. Constant "busy work" can block the flow of new ideas. She says to not feel guilty about having periods of inactivity.
Vein of Gold - Cameron
Your Mode of Transportation: Walking
Cameron speaks of the importance of walking as a creative tool. She cites examples throughout history of creative/spiritual people making daliy walks a part of their creative process. This also goes hand in hand with Ueland's comments about being willing to have periods of idleness (which could include taking long walks each day).
Scientific American Mind
"The Creative Mind"
A valuable article with tons of info given in a very straight forward manner. In a nutshell:
Capturing Surrounding Challenging Broadening
"But if it is the dreamy idleness that children have, an idleness when you walk alone for a long time, or take a long, dreamy time at dressing, or lie in bed at night and thoughts come and go, or dig in a garden, or drive a car for many hours alone, or play the piano, or sew, or paint alone; or an idleness-and this is what I want you to do-where you sit with pencil and paper or before a typewriter quietly putting down what you happen to be thinking, that is creative idleness. With all my heart I tell you and reassure you: at such times you are being slowly filled and re-charged with warm imagination, with wonderful, living thoughts."
If You want to Write - Brenda Ueland
pg 33
"Walking is the most powerful creative tool that i know. Although it has fallen into disuse in our hurried times, it may be the most powerful spiritual practice known to man.
A creative life is a process, and that process is digestion. We speak of "food for thought" but seldom realize that as artists we need thought for food."
The Vein of Gold - Julia Cameron
pg 25
July 14
Did some practicing today but, mostly listened to music all day/evening. I'm listening to a lot of things that I studied in the past with Marc Copland. Started listening to a T. Monk tune called We See. Repeated listening and singing the melody. I'll "put it on the horn" tomorrow.
Sample of my listening today:
Tom Harrell - Look to The Sky Cd
Studied most of these solos before so I'm
just starting to sing them again. Love
Kenny BArron's playing on this album.
Tom Harrell/Bill Evans
We'll Be Together Again CD
(Again, reviewing a lot of solos)
Bartok for Children
Clark Terry
Havin' Fun CD
Tribute to Strayhorn CD
Singing melodies and bass lines
A number of these tunes I want to start doing on gigs.
Keith Jarrett
Just In Time
All of You
Miles Davis
Round Midnight CD
reviewing a lot of solos (singing)
Miles Davis
Someday My Prince Will Come CD
reviewing solos especially Hank Mobley's on
Old Folks (one of my very favorite solos ever!)
Gary Bartz
My Shining Hour
(Love his vocabulary)
Booker Ervin
The In Between
The first "jazz" lp I ever owned. I love Booker's playing as
much as ever.....reviewing/singing his solos. Also, Richard Williams is
playing great trumpet on this album. One of my favorite players. I remember hearing
him live with Clark Terry when I was in junior high school.
Chet Baker
Once Upon A Summertime CD
Maybe my favorite Chet recording. His solo on A Song Is You is a classic.
Also, I've been a huge fan of Greg Herbert (tenor sax) since first hearing this
recording. Sadly, Herbert died young. It was obvious that he listened to a lot of Trane and Dexter but unlike most of the young cats out of that school, he didn't over play. He really exercised some restraint. Beautiful player....
The Best Thing For You
Some great playing by Chet, Kenny Barron and Paul Desmond
Dexter Gordon
Doin Alright CD
Reviewed/Sang a lot of Dexter's solos and Freddie Hubbard's solos
1955 CD
Singing solos
Stardust Sessions
Love Trane and Wilbur Harden's solos on this album. I mention Wilbur Harden when people ask me my favorite players. Everybody says, "Who?"
Freddie Hubbard
One of my favorite Freddie recordings.
Kenny Dorham
Quiet Kenny
reviewing/singing solos
Lee Morgan
Memorial Album
This album "rocked my world" around 1978-79
Was really a great day of listening. When I was studying with Copland, I was always learning new solos. Had to walk into the lessons and sing the solos with the recordings. It was a great way to absorb the jazz language. Since living in Japan, I've gotten away from doing some of those things. As a result of doing this blog everyday, I'm feeling the urge to get back to those things that I used to do daily to help creativity.
Did some practicing today but, mostly listened to music all day/evening. I'm listening to a lot of things that I studied in the past with Marc Copland. Started listening to a T. Monk tune called We See. Repeated listening and singing the melody. I'll "put it on the horn" tomorrow.
Sample of my listening today:
Tom Harrell - Look to The Sky Cd
Studied most of these solos before so I'm
just starting to sing them again. Love
Kenny BArron's playing on this album.
Tom Harrell/Bill Evans
We'll Be Together Again CD
(Again, reviewing a lot of solos)
Bartok for Children
Clark Terry
Havin' Fun CD
Tribute to Strayhorn CD
Singing melodies and bass lines
A number of these tunes I want to start doing on gigs.
Keith Jarrett
Just In Time
All of You
Miles Davis
Round Midnight CD
reviewing a lot of solos (singing)
Miles Davis
Someday My Prince Will Come CD
reviewing solos especially Hank Mobley's on
Old Folks (one of my very favorite solos ever!)
Gary Bartz
My Shining Hour
(Love his vocabulary)
Booker Ervin
The In Between
The first "jazz" lp I ever owned. I love Booker's playing as
much as ever.....reviewing/singing his solos. Also, Richard Williams is
playing great trumpet on this album. One of my favorite players. I remember hearing
him live with Clark Terry when I was in junior high school.
Chet Baker
Once Upon A Summertime CD
Maybe my favorite Chet recording. His solo on A Song Is You is a classic.
Also, I've been a huge fan of Greg Herbert (tenor sax) since first hearing this
recording. Sadly, Herbert died young. It was obvious that he listened to a lot of Trane and Dexter but unlike most of the young cats out of that school, he didn't over play. He really exercised some restraint. Beautiful player....
The Best Thing For You
Some great playing by Chet, Kenny Barron and Paul Desmond
Dexter Gordon
Doin Alright CD
Reviewed/Sang a lot of Dexter's solos and Freddie Hubbard's solos
1955 CD
Singing solos
Stardust Sessions
Love Trane and Wilbur Harden's solos on this album. I mention Wilbur Harden when people ask me my favorite players. Everybody says, "Who?"
Freddie Hubbard
One of my favorite Freddie recordings.
Kenny Dorham
Quiet Kenny
reviewing/singing solos
Lee Morgan
Memorial Album
This album "rocked my world" around 1978-79
Was really a great day of listening. When I was studying with Copland, I was always learning new solos. Had to walk into the lessons and sing the solos with the recordings. It was a great way to absorb the jazz language. Since living in Japan, I've gotten away from doing some of those things. As a result of doing this blog everyday, I'm feeling the urge to get back to those things that I used to do daily to help creativity.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
July 13
Doing a lot of extremely slow practice. Trying to mentally hear everything and then sing before playing. Used to do this kind of thing when I studied with Marc Copeland back in the 1980's. What a great teacher he is/was!!! I'm finding now that a lot of his ideas are similar to Ran Blake's. The past few days, I started thinking about my experience with Ran Blake. It was really an intense few days in his workshop as it was an equally intense couple of years studying with Marc Copeland. I really know now that for various reasons (most of them silly) I've gotten away for doing a lot of things that I was working on daily during and after my time with those guys. Time to get "deep in the shed" again!!!
Marc Copeland: An Aesthetic Manifesto
Interview With Marc
Official Website
Primacy of the Ear (pdf)
Third Stream and the Importance of the Ear
Doing a lot of extremely slow practice. Trying to mentally hear everything and then sing before playing. Used to do this kind of thing when I studied with Marc Copeland back in the 1980's. What a great teacher he is/was!!! I'm finding now that a lot of his ideas are similar to Ran Blake's. The past few days, I started thinking about my experience with Ran Blake. It was really an intense few days in his workshop as it was an equally intense couple of years studying with Marc Copeland. I really know now that for various reasons (most of them silly) I've gotten away for doing a lot of things that I was working on daily during and after my time with those guys. Time to get "deep in the shed" again!!!
Marc Copeland: An Aesthetic Manifesto
Interview With Marc
Official Website
"Music is an aural art. Let me repeat, music is an AURAL ART."
Ran Blake - The Primacy of the Ear
"It is the ear’s strengths (and limitations) which are the most important elements in the creation of an individual style, not the ability to reproduce memorized, virtuosic licks at roller-coaster tempos. When musicians have this skill, along with imagination and perseverance as well as the ability to communicate, they are blessed. In our school curriculum it is the ear which is ignored in favor of analysis, reading of scores, and especially technique (although sometimes these pursuits are not mutually exclusive)."
Ran Blake - Third Stream and the Importance of the Ear
from the College Music Symposium, Journal of the College Music Society
Volume Twenty-One, Number Two
Fall 1981
Third Stream and the Importance of the Ear
Monday, July 13, 2009
July 12

I really enjoy spending time designing gig posters. I hope to be able to do more and more of this in the future not only for myself but, for others also.
Had a really interesting gig yesterday at Time & Style in Roppongi (Tokyo) and Midtown. Time & Style is a very hip interior design shop which sponsors monthly jazz events. Did the gig with bassist, Ken Kanoko and drummer Mike Reznikoff. In addition, famous Japanese photographer Naito Tadayuki was having his exhibition in the same space. So the music, Tadayuki's photos and the hipness of Time & Style made for a great event.
Naito Tadayuki Official Website
Had interesting moment when we asked the audience to express how they felt sitting in Time & Style listening to live improvised music. Several people expressed themselves. I told me we were going to play a "free improvisation" based on the feedback they had just given us. I love doing that kind of thing. I think we got pretty close to the feelings they had described to us before the improvisation.
Gary Bartz interview
Today went to a new cafe in Takasaka called the Malidali Cafe
Malidali Website
Returned to the rice fields in Kita Sakado on Sunday to take a few more photos and observe the progress. I was curious to see if the rice is doing well because this rainy season has had surprisingly little rain. As you can see, the rice is coming along very well. The fields are well irrigated.

"If You Want To Write - A Book About Art, Independence and Spirit"
Brenda Ueland
Terrific, down-to-earth book on the creative process. One of the best books I've ever scene on the subject!
Notes (to myself for "If You Want to Write")
Everybody has talent, originality and has something important to say.
The creative spirit is there waiting to be it...daily!
To write (create) freely without inhibition for the love of expectations ($, fame, etc).
Miles Davis
Sorcerer (Prince of Darkness is my favorite tune on this one. Like what Ron Carter and Tony Williams were doing with the "time" during Miles' solo. Great communication between Tony and Wayne. Like the change of "vibe" when Herbie enters to solo and especially how he stretches his melodic phrases in the first 2 choruses. Heard Tony Williams talk about the way they used to change the time/feel at a workshop years ago. Basically he said that they never talked about it and that sometimes it worked out beautifully and other times it just fell apart. He emphasized that we (the public) only heard the times it worked on those great "live" recordings. He was stressing that it's really important to "go for it" and try to "get out of the box." So what if it falls apart?
On The Corner (Luv all the grooves on this album!!!)
We Want Miles Back Seat Betty is the one for me on this album!!! Love the way they take their time and build tension in the beginning of this tune. So much space..not cluttered....simple. Miles playin' the blues..always.
I don't "get it." So many "jazz" musicians have voiced their disappointment or dislike of these electronic recordings that Miles did. I feel like he was doing the same thing he had always been doing with a different groove placed around it. Miles always played the blues. I admire his creativity and willingness to remain open and take chances.
Dave HollandPrime Directive Just started listening to this album this week. Trying to absorb the tunes (melodies/harmonic structure)...listening and singing the melodies. Will work on the solos after I get more understanding of the tunes.
Wayne Shorter
Joe Henderson
Page One
Lush Life
In 'N Out
Monk's Dream
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