I really enjoy spending time designing gig posters. I hope to be able to do more and more of this in the future not only for myself but, for others also.
Had a really interesting gig yesterday at Time & Style in Roppongi (Tokyo) and Midtown. Time & Style is a very hip interior design shop which sponsors monthly jazz events. Did the gig with bassist, Ken Kanoko and drummer Mike Reznikoff. In addition, famous Japanese photographer Naito Tadayuki was having his exhibition in the same space. So the music, Tadayuki's photos and the hipness of Time & Style made for a great event.
Naito Tadayuki Official Website
Had interesting moment when we asked the audience to express how they felt sitting in Time & Style listening to live improvised music. Several people expressed themselves. I told me we were going to play a "free improvisation" based on the feedback they had just given us. I love doing that kind of thing. I think we got pretty close to the feelings they had described to us before the improvisation.
Gary Bartz interview
Today went to a new cafe in Takasaka called the Malidali Cafe
Malidali Website
Returned to the rice fields in Kita Sakado on Sunday to take a few more photos and observe the progress. I was curious to see if the rice is doing well because this rainy season has had surprisingly little rain. As you can see, the rice is coming along very well. The fields are well irrigated.

"If You Want To Write - A Book About Art, Independence and Spirit"
Brenda Ueland
Terrific, down-to-earth book on the creative process. One of the best books I've ever scene on the subject!
Notes (to myself for "If You Want to Write")
Everybody has talent, originality and has something important to say.
The creative spirit is there waiting to be unleashed...do it...daily!
To write (create) freely without inhibition for the love of it..no expectations ($, fame, etc).
Miles Davis
Sorcerer (Prince of Darkness is my favorite tune on this one. Like what Ron Carter and Tony Williams were doing with the "time" during Miles' solo. Great communication between Tony and Wayne. Like the change of "vibe" when Herbie enters to solo and especially how he stretches his melodic phrases in the first 2 choruses. Heard Tony Williams talk about the way they used to change the time/feel at a workshop years ago. Basically he said that they never talked about it and that sometimes it worked out beautifully and other times it just fell apart. He emphasized that we (the public) only heard the times it worked on those great "live" recordings. He was stressing that it's really important to "go for it" and try to "get out of the box." So what if it falls apart?
On The Corner (Luv all the grooves on this album!!!)
We Want Miles Back Seat Betty is the one for me on this album!!! Love the way they take their time and build tension in the beginning of this tune. So much space..not cluttered....simple. Miles playin' the blues..always.
I don't "get it." So many "jazz" musicians have voiced their disappointment or dislike of these electronic recordings that Miles did. I feel like he was doing the same thing he had always been doing with a different groove placed around it. Miles always played the blues. I admire his creativity and willingness to remain open and take chances.
Dave HollandPrime Directive Just started listening to this album this week. Trying to absorb the tunes (melodies/harmonic structure)...listening and singing the melodies. Will work on the solos after I get more understanding of the tunes.
Wayne Shorter
Joe Henderson
Page One
Lush Life
In 'N Out
Monk's Dream
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