Cleaning out/organizing/deleting files on the MAC today.
The "clearing process" is an amazingly simple tool for getting new and fresh energy flowing again. Cleaning a closet or a drawer...organzing a bookshelf...schedule. Maybe it only takes 5 minutes. But afterwards I feel great.
By doing this blog the past few days, I've been reminded about a powerful book I used in 1996. Maybe you've heard of "the Artist's Way" - A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron.

In this book, Cameron has a process called "Morning Pages" which is a very powerful tool for creativity, clearing, and establishing focus all in one. I highly recommend this book. For me this blog has been kind of a return to the "morning pages." Below is a link to a pdf file on her website that gives you a set of tools to work with if you are new to her work or a good review if you've been down that path already.
The Basic Tools page
The Basic Tools pdf
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